Our Hero

Our Hero

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Getting on with the keeping on...

Although our Hero felt more than a bit anxious about his poke on Monday (and let everyone on the 6th floor of Children's Hospital hear about it,) his numbers stayed steady where they needed to while improving in the areas that needed a boost (platelets - 308, hematocrit - 385, WBC - 9.8 and his ANC jumped from 436 to 1630!) So with those numbers, Joseph was cleared to jump back into the treatments yesterday and did very well.

He didn't have the tough vomiting and nausea like he did the last time which came as a great relief to everyone. JoJo actually enjoyed his time at the hospital as the captive audience of Mom, Yiayia and Aunt Kelly provided a lot of attention - he enjoyed it so much that he didn't want to leave as he knew home wouldn't be the same. (If that's not progress, who knows what is?!) Although the medical folks say he will definitely feel a bit of nausea in the days to come, Team Taylor will do their best to alleviate with a lot of hydration and a steady, precise and punctual administration of the anti-nausea meds.

Joe will be back at the hospital today for hydrating and Cytarabine for 3 days on, then 3 days off and then 4 days on. But the good news is there is no more heavy nausea inducing Cytoxan until perhaps April!

Mom is back to happily crossing treatments and medications off the calendar, Joe although very much back to his old fun, caring, loving self, is riding out the wobbly stomach on the couch but Team Taylor knows he's the rubber band man and bounces back quickly once the medication effects fade. He's a hero after all. :)

Keep the prayers and thoughts coming as always... stay tuned...


George S. said...

You continue to inspire us out there JoJo - thanks for the update and keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

HI Jojo,
We are glad that you are doing well!! You never cease to amaze us with your strength and bravery!!
We are thinking about you!
The Serres gang

ummmhello said...

Hey JoJo - it's a tough road you're on, but it will be over soon. Stay brave, kiddo!!
We're cheering for you :)

Momma T. said...

Hey Lil Man Sorry to hear about all the wobbly upset stomach feeling and pokes from needles YOUR SUCH A TROOPER!!!I'm so proud of you for being so tough but it's OK to still have a bad day because of it all your still my hero!!!
I'm sending all of my positive thoughts your way!
Oh and BTW I Love your Uggs I Have a pair just like em :)