Our Hero

Our Hero

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Now on JoJo's hit list: Chemo

Friday our hero began his first steps to beating Leukemia by starting his first round of chemotherapy. Not surprising to any of his biggest fans, Joe is did well and continues to do well. He woke up happy and smiley on Saturday and rolled up his sleeves for some real important work - bedside XBox play with with Dad (big thanks to Rick for making that happen,) major LEGO building construction, coloring in the coloring book Courtney gave him, admiring the pictures that Adrienne drew, playing with his new dog (no not a real one) that PT got him - (because afterall, every hero needs a sidekick) and just generally sifting through the mounds of toys that seem to be littering every inch of available space in his room.

JoJo continues to be very perplexed by the less than stellar food the hospital chooses and serves him. So the diet has been generously altered with the help of Paps "pasta hats," Nonnie's banana bread and a steady flow of popcorn. Also supplementing Joe's food is a set of medications - Dexamethasone, Vincristine, Allopurinol and Ceftazidime which will all help JoJo beat Leukemia.

Thank you all for the positive thoughts, prayers and the comments on the blog - please keep them all coming - it all helps fuel Joe (not as much as the pasta hats, banana bread and the popcorn but it definitely is a huge blessing. :))


a.c.taylor said...

Hi everyone! Thanks for all your nice notes. I want to go home soon. I feel good. Love Joseph

Unknown said...


You are such a tough guy! Uncle Maui, Auntie Erika and Cousin Kai will all be praying for you daily. You WILL beat this and get back to being the rambunctious little boy that we all know and love!

With Love and Aloha,

Uncle Maui

Kristin Eagan said...

God speed Joe! No more eating sugar packets at the pizzeria (at least for a while). Hopefully we can go bowling again soon!!

The Eagans