Here begins the heroic tale of young Joe Taylor, a bespectacled five year old boy who faced down ALL Leukemia. It is here on these pages, that I will attempt to tell the events that unfold around he and his Mom, Dad, big brother Paul and his grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends (all proud and heroic in their own right)….
As Angie detailed in the email that explained how things had unfolded, Joe was diagnosed with Leukemia early last week and currently is taking up residence at Children’s Hospital where he immediately began a steady ‘diet’ of intravenous fluids to best prepare him for the first major set of treatment that is due to start very soon. But for all of those of us that know Joe, our hero is a fan of food and when you have a group of well-meaning and caring (but controlling) nurses and doctors not allowing you to eat what you want, when you want – this is a recipe for an unhappy and frustrated Joe. But with that ‘unpleasantness’ came some positive news when the tests confirmed that there were no current infections and no cancer present in his spine. A great piece of news to go along with the fact that the ALL Leukemia is the more treatable of the two types of Leukemia that Joe may have had.
But as we’ll see, this is as much a rollercoaster ride as anything and if food cops weren’t enough, these same doctors and nurses that are going to help him beat this disease, are also constantly poking and prodding him challenging his patience and normally jovial demeanor. But who can blame Joe, to the most of us reading this are adults (at least in age if not in maturity or intelligence,) the idea of comprehending a confusing disease and an equally confusing treatment plan would be (and is) a very tough and daunting thing to grasp. Now put yourself in the shoes of JoJo, just a few days ago he was playing LEGOS and Army Men and now he finds himself in a hospital room they won’t let him leave yet – his world has been turned on its ear and that’s been a tough thing for Joe to come to terms with yet. It’s a lot to wrap is arms around so with the help of his parents and the staff at Children’s they are working to find the right combination of medications and such to help Joe stay relaxed as well as pain free as possible. No man is an island people – not even our hero.
Another step in Joe’s preparation was a surgery that took place today that implanted a shunt will allow for easier and cleaner and more direct access for administering of treatment, fluids, etc.. Although Joe’s heart is big and strong, he’s still a growing boy and those veins are small and it’s not fun continually so this implant will be a good thing – plus it allows for easier playing of Xbox and army men without having a tube connecting tying down a little guy that does not enjoy being tied down.
So this brings us to the next steps, treatment will be beginning very soon (if it hasn’t already.) It is a fairly intensive set of first treatment that comes with a list of some potential side-effects that could be tough on JoJo – and of course therefore tough on all his family and friends. During this time, much to the sadness and frustration of big brother Paul, Joe will remain in the hospital. (On a side note, JoJo’s lucky to have such a great big brother – mine used to beat me up all the time.) Paulie, like the rest of us, wants Joe to come home very soon and that’s where we all can help a bit. As we all know, during the time of treatment Joe’s immune system is taking a bit of a pounding so he’s much more susceptible to virus, infection and etc. so for now keep the steady flow of prayers and positive thoughts coming! (Oh and if anyone can find a Vera Wang or Dolce-Gabbana sterile suit for Ang that would be great.)
Check back here regularly for updates on our JoJo’s battle and keep the thoughts and prayers coming!!!
P.S. Thanks to Jose Ocasio, the 82nd Airborne is currently discussing taking Joe on as an Honorary Member. We’re telling you Leukemia, you picked the wrong kid to mess with…
Friday, October 26, 2007
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More Power to jojo as i do beleave he has the gumption with in him to Kick that leukemia to the curb!!!
as i told angie he is her son and from what i know of angie Team Taylor is a mighty mighty force to be reconed with :)
bless you all!!!
JoJo - We are all praying 4 u 2 get better soon so we can all resume our playdates of light saber yielding, army dude arranging, lego building and pizza eating (w/some of those organic carrots your mom makes us eat). High-fives from all of us. We love you. Jake, Joey, & Sam
Thank you so much for the updates on Joe. I am so glad that you know what an incredible support system you have.
We love you Joe, and are sending all of our prayers, good thoughts and positive vibes your way.
When you're ready, know that we will drop everything to come see you.
Big Hugs,
Mike, Amy, Laura & Logan
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