Our Hero

Our Hero

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Joe is doing great, and we couldn't be happier for him.  School has been going really well.  He really enjoys being with his brother on the way to school, at recesses and seeing him in the hallways and at lunch.  Of course brother Paul includes him whenever he can.  Each time I happen to drive up at recess Joe is playing kick ball with the big boys and learning the "rules of the yard".  Very cute.  

Soccer went really well.  He was very competitive, excited for his team, loved to score (and did so a lot!).  The season is over but with lots of wonderful memories and the realization of how far we've come since last October.  I can't express enough how fun it is to see Joe running around and enjoying being a boy!

We've started in with homework, not so easy, but again he's willing because brother Paul has to do it too.  The have such wonderful ways of getting through to them about reading, writing and everything else that comes along with it.  He's really enjoying meeting new friends and most importantly loves his teacher Mrs. Geary.

His 10/1 appointment went really well.  It had been a month since we walked through the doors of Children's.  We were able to get our blood test in between at Overlake 9/17 (finger poke). Joe had Blood tests that came out great, ANC 1500 and Platlets, Hematocrit, WBC all also in a very good place.  

We were given the green light for Vincristine and the Methotrexate spinal sedation.  They also wanted to give him the flu shot in that procedure, so steroids would have to wait two weeks (makes the flu shot in-effective).  Eeek two five day courses of steroids in 30 days beginning 10/22, should be a bit of a hungry ride for the month of November!  The benefits of the flu shot and school was too beneficial to pass up.

We continue to pray he stays healthy.  Joe's had a couple of colds-but mild sniffles, nothing chesty.  We are trying to keep his energy up, making good food choices and getting to bed at a good hour.  The treatment 10/1 left him a bit nauseous, reminding us that these medicines are no walk in the park, he's just really tough and willing to power through it.  I'm always pleased when he allows me to give him nausea medication to help him through it.  It usually doesn't last any longer than 3-5 days after the treatment.  

His daily meds are getting really routine and a pleasure knowing we are fighting to stay far away from where we were just one year ago this week.  Much love to everyone!  Thank you for your prayers!

Angie, Kevin, Paul and Joe!

1 comment:

George S. said...

It's definitely been quite a year for you guys and I'm glad to read that everyone's doing so well. It sounds like your team schedule is as busy as ever and my hat's off to you for being able to handle it all - I'm sure it's harder than you make it look =) Have a great week out there.