Our Hero

Our Hero

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Little Numbers Update...

Although they are steroid enhanced numbers, we won't be putting an asterisk next to the most recent great test numbers for our Hero:

Hematocrit - 35.6
Platlets - 276
WBC - 4.5
ANC - 3438

After taking another round of Vincristine and Doxorubicin, Team Taylor was directed to be a bit more liberal with Joe's anti-nausea medications so he will go from receiving one does a day to receiving three doses a day in hopes that that will provide some relief. Seven days of steroids down only 14 to go!

Keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming! Stay tuned...

1 comment:

George S. said...

Keep thinking about how far you've come Jojo - it's pretty amazing to scroll through these pages and see it all. You'll blow through these next two weeks just fine! ;) I hope you guys are having better weather than us... winter is really holding onto the east coast this year and we're getting impatient for beach weather. You should keep looking forward too... soon enough all this hard work will be behind you =) Have a great week, buddy!