Our Hero

Our Hero

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Piece of Cake!

Our Hero is making the Interim Maintenance phase of his treatment look like a walk in the park. Whether he's knocking back his meds with nary a complaint, going back to school, preparing for the start of his baseball season or bringing back great lab numbers (Hematocrit: 35.6; platelets: 245; ANC 1660) he is moving right along. Team Taylor has basked in Joe's high energy and good appetite.

But it's not just his health that's been good; his memory is sharp too - as evidenced by his sudden awareness of where he was headed when he headed past University Village on his way to a finger poke to run labs. Needless to say, he's not experiencing any weakness in the vocal cord department either. All was made a little easier to swallow when Mom was able to assure him that he would not have to be going back for another '14 sleeps.' (That's two weeks for those keeping score at home.)

Although everyone is enjoying Joe's increasing strength, health, appetite and energy levels, the management branch of Team Taylor is starting to struggle with how they are going to be able to explain the purpose of the challenge and overall yuckiness of the Delayed Intensification stage given that he will be feeling good. Everyone is hoping Lego's comes out with a whole new collection of Star Wars themed toys as well as a few new Star Wars video games. If anyone knows George Lucas, please put in a call on Joe's behalf. ;)

As always, keep the great positive vibes and prayers coming. Stay tuned...

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