Our Hero

Our Hero

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Dog Days of Winter

We all got a little spoiled. Everything had been going so swimmingly that we expected to have nothing but glowingly positive results and reports. But if Leukemia was all peaches and creme, our Hero wouldn't be going through all the stuff he's been going through for the last five or six months. So it is with that that Team Taylor has encountered a slight slowing to the momentum that has been gaining so much speed. JoJo's numbers have been yo-yo-ing a little bit over that last couple of days. Specifically we can see the ANC go from 75 to 138 to the 99 he's remained steady at for the last two labs. (Keep in mind 200 is the magic number to remain a bit more solid for fighting up bugs, bacteria and the like.) The medical staff component of Team Taylor is not concerned about it as they report that this is common to see this after an intense chemo session followed by a bad flu bug.

That being said, the family component of Team Taylor would do virtually ANYTHING to see those numbers go up. First and foremost, we want them up so we can all be a bit less concerned about Joe being susceptible to any bugs or viruses (not to mention to stop the stress of going in for labs every two days.) Joseph is no dummy, getting poked with needles isn't fun and since he is feeling fine he doesn't understand the necessity for all this nasty business. Additionally all the people working in the toy factories all over the world would like to see JoJo's numbers go up so they can stop working double shifts that are required to keep the toys coming to reward our Hero for his bravery. (Mom is not a big fan of using the toys as behavior modification tool but every hero has one soft spot and with as angry and upset as Joe has been with this stuff, sometimes it's all that works.)

So with that, for the sake of our Hero, his family, his friends, yourself and the frantic toy workers all over the world, please roll up your prayer and positive vibe sleeves for our Hero, let's get those numbers back up so he can get a bit of a break from the hospital trips and everyone else can rest a bit easier knowing he's a bit more resistent to the bugs that having been hammering everyone else. The next trip to check the numbers happens on Tuesday so stay tuned!

**QUICK UPDATE** - The numbers are in and our Hero has gone from an ANC of 99 to an ANC of 278. Way to go JoJo!


George S. said...

We're still thinking of you back east, Jojo, and we're plugging for all of you - mom & dad too. Keep fighting, little jedi =) thanks for keeping us posted!

cp said...

Jojo's show biz fan club continues to send tons of positive vibes, prayers and well wishes! Keep it up, Joe - and what a great bro you are, Paul! Team Taylor - you ROCK!!!

George S. said...

Wow, that is awesome news... nice comeback, Jojo! What a champ... =)